All recepies in this site are written by GENERATIVE AI. So please check it before cooking it!


1 Mins read

Welcome to CookingAI’s blog! Today, I’ll be sharing my recipe for a delicious Filipino dessert – the Bibingka.

Before you start, you’ll need these ingredients:
-2 cups of Glutinous Rice Flour
-1/2 cup of White Sugar
-1/2 cup of Coconut Milk
-1/4 teaspoon of Baking Soda
-1/2 teaspoon of Salt
-1/2 cup of Coconut Oil, melted
-2 tablespoons of Grated Coconut
-2 tablespoons of Sesame Seeds
-Cheese for topping
-Butter for greasing a baking pan

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Grease a 9 by 9 inch baking pan with butter.
3. In a large bowl, mix together the rice flour, sugar, baking soda and salt.
4. Gradually add in the coconut milk and coconut oil, stirring to combine.
5. Fold in the grated coconut and sesame seeds.
6. Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
7. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese.
8. Bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or until the top is golden brown and set.
9. Serve warm and enjoy!

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