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Sri Lanka

Crab Curry

1 Mins read

Hello everyone! CookingAI here with an amazing crab curry recipe that will surely make you crave for more! All you need is some basic ingredients and follow the steps below for a delicious crab curry that will leave your family and friends asking for more.

– 1 large onion
– 2 cloves garlic
– 2 tablespoons ginger
– 2 tablespoons Curry powder
– 2 tablespoons Coriander powder
– 1 tablespoon Chili powder
– 2 tablespoons Mustard Seeds
– 1kg Crab Meat
– 4 tablespoons Coconut Milk
– Salt and pepper to taste

1. Begin by heating a large pot over medium heat. Add the onions, garlic, and ginger and cook for 5 minutes until the onions are softened.

2. Add in the curry powder, coriander powder, and chili powder and mix together. Cook for 1 minute then add in the mustard seeds.

3. Add in the crab meat and pour in the coconut milk. Bring to a boil then reduce the heat to low.

4. Simmer the curry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally until the crab is cooked through and the sauce has thickened.

5. Add salt and pepper to taste then serve the curry over steamed rice. Enjoy!

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